The D&D Daily 'Live in NYC' at the NRF Big Show 2019
Live Streamed Episodes filmed at The Manhattan Club Monday, Jan. 14th
NRF LP Council Honored at Tuesday Night's Reception Party

The NRF LP Council

This year's LIVE LPNN shoot took place Monday, January 14, 2019 at The Manhattan Club in the heart of NYC retail, where we live-streamed a brand new series of interviews with senior LP/AP leaders and solution providers on the latest industry hot topics, the ongoing issues and challenges, the programs, the latest technology, and the solutions these providers offer to the industry.
We couldn't have done it without the generous support of our 2019 Sponsors... thank you all for continuing to help us bring the hot topics and "need to know" information to the industry.
Our mission is to provide an online, any time, anywhere conference to your teams to educate the leaders of tomorrow and provide up-to-date information we all must address in our quest to "Keep Them All Safe Out There".

The D&D Daily's 'Live in NYC' Shoot

Pizza Party Winners drawn live on Monday during the LPNN Live Broadcast
Special thanks to Domino's Pizza, supplying all the Pizza's to our winning teams in 2019

D&D Daily Honors NRF LP Council Members at
Annual NYC Reception & Party
Assistant Chief Fausto Pichardo, who is the executive officer running all 77 patrol services throughout NYPD
was our Guest Speaker, and captivated the crowd
With a new great venue that opened up the space and located in the heart of the Big Show hotels the crowd of over 150 LP leaders, teams and solution providers hit an all time high and truly lent itself to more conversation, mingling, and just colleagues and friends getting together for the New Year.
The shutdown had an impact as the FBI was regretfully unable to join us. However NYPD Commissioner O'Neil provided a great passionate speaker with Assistant Chief Fausto Pichardo, who is the executive officer running all 77 patrol services throughout NYPD. Assist. Chief Pichardo gave us a real-life view of what NYPD sees in the streets and in retail today and how they're involved and working with many of the nations retailers today. He also talked passionately about the increasing need for collaboration and NYPD's focus on helping retailers, as well as how technology is impacting their efforts in developing and following cases nationwide and tying them into NYPD's efforts and cases.

His passion and sincere desire to make an impact and work with the nations retailers was just refreshing and motivating to hear. Something the entire group appreciated and recognized.
Thanks to everyone for attending and with the great feedback we received, especially about the new venue - design - and food, we'll certainly visit this next year and continue the growth of our LP's New Year's Kick Off honoring the NRF LP Council. A special thanks to Bob Moraca, the VP of LP for the NRF and Dan Faketty, Council Chair and VP AP Southeastern Grocers for working with us and supporting the event.
The LP Teams That Joined Us For the Evening

Gap Inc.




Century 21 Department Stores


Gatekeeper Systems

CAP Index, Calibration Group, Domino’s


Ascena Retail

See you next year!