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Loss Prevention News Network

Today's Leaders Educating Tomorrow's


Emerging Loss Prevention Issues: Training is Key

Carol Leaman, CEO of Axonify, sits down with Lisa LaBruno, Senior Vice President of Retail Operations for the Retail Industry Leaders Association, to discuss the major challenges retail Loss Prevention programs face and how effective training can help mitigate those risks. Lisa describes the four areas of training associated with LP apprehensions, including the specific components of a successful training program.  (Originally Published 3-17-14)

'Live in NYC 2017' Top 5'


Checkpoint High Theft Solutions

Stuart Rosenthal, VP of Sales for High-Theft Solutions (also known as Alpha) and Carl Rysdon, VP of Sales for Inventory Control Solutions, which comprises EAS and RFID solutions, tell us how Checkpoint's recent acquisition by CCL Industries will benefit their customers, how their brand has stayed relevant over the years, and what new innovations they're bringing to the LP industry.  (Originally Published 3-7-17)


Building Effective & Inclusive
LP Teams 

Kevin Colman, Group Vice President of Asset Protection for Macy's, shares how to attract and develop top talent, while building culturally diverse teams that reflect the communities they serve. (Originally Published 3-31-17)


ALTO: Strategic Asset Protection

Karl Langhorst, Executive Vice President for ALTO US, explains how their programs help bridge the gap between retail and law enforcement, creating an effective and productive partnership, while managing the prosecution processes for a retailer's external and internal theft cases.  (Originally Published 3-15-17)


The Future is Now & The Next 60 Days: Surviving Rapid Change?

Mark Robinson, Executive Director, Asset Protection, and Steve Mick, Director Asset Protection, Operations & Investigations, for Toys R Us, discuss how LP is changing and what the biggest changes are that they've seen over the last five years.

(Originally Published 4-25-17)

NYPD Commissioner James O'Neill addresses the Retail Loss Prevention community

At the D&D Daily's "Live in NYC" dinner event on Jan. 16, 2017, keynote speaker NYPD Commissioner "Jimmy" O'Neill, took time for pictures with attending LP teams and vendors, then addressed the crowd in a speech focusing on current issues facing the retail community.  (Originally Published 2-9-17)

2016's 'Top 5'


Organized Retail Crime
The Great Debate #1

Joining us to tackle these complicated questions are John Matas, VP Asset Protection/Investigations & ORC, Macy's; Millie Kresevich, Director, Asset Protection, Luxottica; and Scott Sanford, Director of Investigations & Training, Barnes & Noble, Inc.

(Originally Published 5-4-16)


Active Shooter Response: 
Are You Ready?

Debbie Maples, VP of Global Loss Prevention & Corporate Security, Gap Inc., shares the current thinking and best practices to ensure your organization and store teams are prepared.

(Originally Published 8-18-16)

Organized Retail Crime
The Great Debate #2

Hear from four top ORC leaders: Chris DeSantis, Director of Central Investigations & ORC, Macy's; TJ Flynn, Market Investigations Sr. Manager, J.C. Penney; Jim Cosseboom, Manager, Investigations & Corporate Security, Ahold USA, Inc.; & Tarik Sheppard, NYPD Lt. Deputy Commissioner of Public Information.  

(Originally Published 5-6-16)


The LPM Profile of the Future & The Importance of Community Relations

Kevin Colman, Group VP of Asset Protection, Macy's, tells us what the profile of an LPM may look like in the future, as the job evolves from adrenaline-based shoplifter takedowns to a larger emphasis on investigations and protecting the company brand.  (Originally Published 5-2-16)

America's Top Cop

On Jan. 18th, New York Police Commissioner William Bratton spoke to retail loss prevention executives at the D&D Daily's "Live in NYC 2016 at the NRF Big Show" event. In his speech, Bratton talks about NYC's new ORC efforts, asking retailers to get involved and help in the fight against the growing threat of organized retail crime.  (Originally Published 2-22-16)

Solution Providers 'Top 4'


Lohra Miller, CEO, Turning Point Justice, tells us about the Cloud Justice Platform, which provides consistent, quality reporting based on retailers' individual policies and procedures, while Barbara Staib, Director of Communications, National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, tells us how the proactive approach of TPJ's Court Alternative Program is a win-win-win.  
(Originally Published 3-16-15)


Bob Dale, SVP Sales for Protection 1, and Rex Gillette, VP National Accounts Retail, talk about Protection 1’s immense growth in the retail security market, since entering the segment four years ago. Hear about the company’s unique eSuite platform and get an exclusive scoop on what Protection 1 will be bringing to the market next.  (Originally Published 7-11-14)


Stuart Rosenthal, VP of Sales for High-Theft Solutions (also known as Alpha) and Carl Rysdon, VP of Sales for Inventory Control Solutions, tell us how Checkpoint's recent acquisition by CCL Industries will benefit their customers, how their brand has stayed relevant over the years, and what new innovations they're bringing to the LP industry.   (Originally Published 3-7-17)


Roger Leyden, Founder, President and CEO of Se-Kure Controls, and John Mangiameli, VP of Business Development, discuss the diversified approach Se-Kure Controls takes as a solution provider in the retail LP industry.   (Originally Published 5-27-14)

Read more here about how the Daily's digital channel is taking off and 2016 LIVE event viewership hit record numbers.


See the full 'Live in 2017' episode release schedule


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